early autism malaysia

Thursday, August 26, 2010

ciri-ciri kanak -kanak khas...

  • cystic fybrosis ( known as CF)

- common disease affects entire body .

-causing progressive disability and often early death .

-simptom :

1.difficulty breathing .

2.lung infection .

3. diarrhea and etc .

-caused by a mutation in the gene 4 d protein CF trasmembrane conduction regulator .

(gene required to regulate sweat , digestive juices and mucus )

-CF consider an autosomal recessive disease .

  • PKU ( phenylketunuria)

- in ability of the body to utilize the essential amino acid , phenylalanine .

-inherited in a (recessive fashion) > (an affected person inherited two traits for dis order)

-simptom :

  1. vomitting
  2. severe brain problems
  3. small head (microcephaly)
  4. prominant cheek .
  5. decreased body growth .
  • albinism .

-have little or no pigment in their eyyes , skin or hair .

-sometimes do not recognise albinism .

-common myth have red eyes.

-is an inherited condition present at birth , characterised by a lack of pigment that normally gives color to the skin ,hair and eyes .


Saturday, August 21, 2010

children development...

the periods of development...
  • The prenatal development : from conception to birth - among 9 month had rapid changing from a one-cell organism to a human baby .
  • Infancy and toddlerhood : from birth to 2 years old - this period child had changes in their body and brain . example = they make a first step or first lnguage come out from their mouth.
  • Early childhood : from 2 to 6 years old - the body develop , more self controlled and motor skills develop , languages and body movement much better .
  • Middle childhood : from 6 to 11 years old - they learn about the world , play with game that have rules , advances in self-understanding , morality and friendship .
  • Adolescene : from 11 to 18 years old - transformation to adulthood . puberty leads to adult-size body and sexual maturity , begin to establish autonomy from the family .
  • Emerging adulthood : from 18 to 25 years old - intensify their exploration of option in love , career , and personal values before making enduring commitment.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

definisi pendidikan khas

pendidikan khas ialah pendidikan yang di berikan kepada kanak-kanak yang berkeperluan khas . pendidikan yang di berikan adalah bertujuan untuk memastikan kanak-kanak yang bekeperluan khas ini memperolehi hak pendidikan yang sama seperti kanak-kanak yang normal. mereka tidak harus dipinggirkan kerana mereka juga ada keinginan untuk berjaya dan menikmati kehidupan ini .